Fiber Puller Insertion and Removal Tool
FP 360023
$ 53.79
Westek's Fiber Tool installs and removes: SC, FC, ST, LC, and COAX/DS3 connectors. This elegant device simply fits into a shirt pocket or tool pouch and is ergonomically designed to fit the hands of today's technician while at the same time mitigates any potential for repetitive motion or significant squeeze issues/injuries. This is the only tool on the market that can solve connectorization issues for Telephone and Cable Facility Providers as well as Enterprise Data Centers. It supports all Fiber optic modes, both SingleMode and MultiMode, including WDM, DWDM and CDWM and their derivatives in FTTx (Premises/Node/Home). This product exceeds the stringent requirements dictated by Telcordia Technologies, ANSI, OSHA, FDA, NTA and the IEC.